
Job Search

Voice Recording of German Speaker (7,000JPY/ 30mins only) (expired)

MANNET Co.,Ltd (株式会社マンネット)
Job ID
東京メトロ 早稲田駅 (Waseda Station), Tokyo, Japan
Post date
Jan 14, 2025
Child Education, Pre-school Teacher, Waiter / Waitress, Bartender, Hall Staff, Translation / Localization
Work Type
Part Time / Entry Level
¥7,000 ~ ¥7,000 / Hour


  • German: Native level (preferred)
  • Must currently reside in Japan


1. Assignment details
- This voice recording is to collect Voice Data of various German language speakers for
Voice Recognition Research.

- The recording will be conducted by a team of pair.
One speaker will be asked to read a set of short command phrases in German. He/she
will read each phrase twice (Example: Replay the music, Stop the music, Put on silent-

- While one (speaker) reads the command phrases, the other (checker) checks if the
command phrase is being read correctly. Once the speaker is done reading, he/she will
switch the role, and repeat the activity.
The activity will take approximately 30 minutes (15 min. ×2 ppl).

2. Application Conditions
 ・ German language speaker whose official language is German
(such as Germany , Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, etc)
  ・Be able to communicate in English or Japanese (for communication with recording staff)
    ・Have your own bank account in Japan (for the payment of remuneration)
・Have your own mobile phone (in case of urgent contact)

3. Venue
アクセス;東京メトロ・東西線 早稲田駅より徒歩8分
3-61 Hara-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Access: Take the Tokyo Metro/Tozai Line to Waseda Station- approx. 8 min. on foot to the venue.

4. Remuneration
7,000 JPY (including the transportation fee)
Payment is done by Bank Transfer one week after the recording session.

5. Schedule
30minutes only
** Please give us your preferred dates and times from the following time slots.
As we need to coordinate with other participants to make a pair, your wide range of time slots will be helpful for us.

Feb 13(Thu): A(10:15-10:45), B(11:00-11:30), C(11:45-12:15), D(13:45-14:15),
E(14:30-15:00), F(15:15-15:45), G(16:15-16:45), H(17:00-17:30)

Feb 14(Fri): A(10:15-10:45), B(11:00-11:30), C(11:45-12:15),D(13:45-14:15),
E(14:30-15:00), F(15:15-15:45), G(16:15-16:45), H(17:00-17:30)

Feb 17(Mon): A(10:15-10:45), B(11:00-11:30), C(11:45-12:15), D(13:45-14:15),
E(14:30-15:00), F(15:15-15:45), G(16:15-16:45), H(17:00-17:30)

6. How to apply
If you wish to apply, please inform us the following details:
1) Your Full Name, Nationality, Gender, Age
2) Your current Visa (在留資格)
3) Your Mobile Phone number
4) Do you have your own Japanese bank account ?
5) Your preferred time slots and dates for the recording
** Wide range of your possible time slots will be appreciated.

Last modified on February 10, 2025

The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.

This job is no longer available.

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