Employment Opportunity – Tokyo Korean School
Job Type: Full-time teacher (1 position available)
Job Information
- School: Tokyo Korean School
- Location: Shinjuku, Tokyo
- Salary Offered: Minimum 300,000 JPY per month, depending on qualifications. First year is set as a probationary year.
- Open Positions: Qualified native English-speaking teachers (elementary school)
Job Conditions
- Starting Date: April 1, 2025 (subject to change)
- Teaching positions: One grade from grades 1-6.
- Working Days: Monday-Friday
- Teaching Hours: About 22 forty-minute classes/week
- Working Hours: A.M 8:20 –P.M 5:00.
- Term of Contract: April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026.
Description of position:
Tokyo Korean School has a modified English immersion program in the elementary school. We are looking for a motivated, qualified teacher to fill a full-time position. Please fill in the application form. If you pass the first evaluation process, you will be required to have an interview and possibly provide a sample lesson for the hiring committee. You will also be expected to provide copies of degrees and teaching licenses/certificates at the interview stage. If possible, it is suggested you submit copies of these with your application form. Original documents will be required if a position is offered. Travel expenses will not be provided to anyone who comes to the school for an interview.
Application Deadline: January 27, 2025 by 5pm.
- The first call for an interview will be made by January 31st.
- Interviews will be held on February 3rd through February 7th.
- The position will be offered on February 21st.
- Teacher's Certificate/License (Teaching certificate or license is essential)
- Certification in Subject Areas
- Min 2 years Teaching in a Native-English-speaking country
- Teaching Experience at Elementary School level
School Description
Homepage: www.tokos.ed.jp / https://tokyokoreanschool.weebly.com/
Application Form
1. Your full name as it appears on your passport: ________________________________________
2. Current country of residence: ______________________________
3. Date of Birth (YEAR.MONTH.DAY) (eg. 1980.09.27)
4. Please tick and/or fill out where applicable.
I am a passport holder of: □Australia □Canada □Ireland □New Zealand □South Africa □U.S.A. □United Kingdom □Other - indicate country if “Other” was selected: ______________________________
5. Email address: _______________________________@_______________________
*Your email address is the single most important means of communication with us. Please provide the one you feel is most secure and frequently used.
6. Mailing Address for Correspondence*:
* This is the address to which all your documents including employment contracts will be sent. Please ensure you have quick and continuous access to the mailing address provided.
7. Phone number: Country code – Area code – Phone Number
8. If accepted into Tokyo Korean School, what is the earliest START DATE you can work?
I am available as of __________/__________/__________(YEAR.MONTH.DAY) (eg. 2020.03.15)
9. Please list all post-secondary degrees and/or certifications in order of -
Major(s)/Concentration(s) - Year(s) Received - Name of Granting Institution -
10. Please list all relevant TEACHING related degrees and/or certifications in order of -
Major(s)/Concentration(s) - Year(s) Received - Name of Granting Institution -
11. Please list all relevant teaching experience in order of -
Name of Institution/Employer - Duration - Subject(s) Taught -
12. Please list other employment experience in order of –
Employer - Duration - Responsibilities -
13. Please list other international experience in order of –
Country- Duration - Activities -
14. Qualifications and experience
Please read over the requirements per category and indicate the pay category that you qualify for.
Category 1: 350,000 JPY per month:
Elementary school teacher’s certificate or
license (teaching degree with no certification
or license is not accepted).
- Minimum two years of full-time English
teaching experience at accredited teaching
Category 2: 320,000 JPY per month:
Category 2-A
- Elementary school teacher’s certificate or
license (teaching degree with no
certification or license is not accepted).
Category 2-B
- Middle or secondary school teacher’s
certificate Elementary school teacher’s
certificate or license (teaching degree with
no certification or license is not accepted).
- Minimum two years of full-time English
teaching experience at an elementary
Category 3: 300,000 JPY per month:
- Middle or secondary school teacher’s
Please ensure your application form includes the following items:
1. Application Form □
with your recent photo attached
2. Resume □
3. Copies of Educational Documents □
The following documents are only required when you have an interview:
1. Copy of university transcripts
2. Copy of university degree(s)
3. Copy of teaching license
4. Two Letters of References □
-Personal Reference(s) on your character with referee’s full contact information.
-Professional Reference(s) describing work performance and duration of full-time employment, with full contact information of the referee/employer
Last modified on February 18, 2025
The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.
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