
Job Search

Marketing Graphic Designer (expired)

The Otaku Box

The Otaku Box

Job ID
Central Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Post date
Jan 10, 2023
Advertising / PR / Marketing
Designer, Illustrator
Work Type
Contract / Experienced (Non-Manager)
¥275,000 ~ ¥400,000 / Month


  • Japanese: None
  • Must currently reside in Japan


The Otaku Box is looking for an otaku with proven experience in graphic design for E-commerce site(s) generating at least $100,000 USD in revenue per month. You’ll be working with a team of experienced digital marketers directly underneath the CMO to create the graphics needed for the a variety of marketing efforts, including paid media, email, social, and landing pages. You’ll also be measuring, reporting, and optimizing all of your efforts on a continual basis and working closely with every member of the team to determine what’s working, what’s not, and how you can improve the results of everyone’s efforts with your skills.

Please note that this is a performance role: your work must lead to an increase in customers and revenue, and you’ll be required to track and report how effective your work is and how you can make it more effective. This is not a passive ‘wait to be told what image to make’ type of graphic design role.

**Necessary Qualifications**

- At least 2 years working in E-commerce for websites generating at least $100,000 USD/month in sales
- At least 2 years of branding and design experience (color palettes, logos, etc)
- Landing page design experience
- Email marketing graphic design experience
- PPC marketing graphic design experience
- Knowledge of marketing, E-commerce marketing, and heuristics
- Enjoy anime and/or manga
- Be a ‘Manager of One’ (*see below!*)

**Desired Qualifications**

- PDF and print design experience
- General digital marketing experience in a non-design area
- Knowledge of conversion rate optimization and imagery/color psychology / heuristics
- Experience with TypeForm
- Experience working in the anime/manga industry
- Bilingual/Multilingual

**Position Details**

This is a full time contract position in our office in central Osaka. This is NOT a remote position. Working hours are 11am-7pm. Perks include an ultra-modern open floor plan space to work in, Apple hardware to work from, and lots of free otaku loot!

**Who We Are**

The Otaku Box is one of the largest anime subscription boxes, sending customers all of the world a box of exclusive anime loot they can’t get anywhere else. Even better, customers get to vote on the loot they receive, which directly influences what goes in the box each month. Find out more at

**IMPORTANT: everyone at The Otaku Box is a Manager of (at least) One**

So, what’s a manager of one?

A manager of one is someone who ideates and/or identifies new work, implements that work, measures that work, reports on that work, then optimizes that work - without being told, and without excuse

Note that ‘work’ can be a specific task, or it can be a system, process, collaboration, idea, project, and more!

**Managers of one do not think or say things like:**

- “No one told me to do that”
- “I wasn’t tasked with that”
- “That’s not my job”
- “Someone else was supposed to do that”
- “Someone else didn’t do something so I couldn’t do this”

**Managers of one do not do things like:**

- Allow tasks to run overdue
- Fail to respond to comments, updates, and similar
- Fail at any of 5 key precepts of being a Manager of One
- Make excuses of any kind, ever

**Managers of one do things like:**

- Task themselves with work, both identified and ideated
- Optimize their workflow and processes
- Identify and then solve their own bottlenecks and those of the larger team
- Implement new workflow and processes that not only assist their work, but the work of the entire team
- Take responsibility for the growth, improvement, and/or forward direction of work, processes, and ultimately the foundation
- Have incredible attention to detail
- Own their work, responsibility, and role
- Continually learn new skills, software, systems, and thought processes

**When managers of one have a question, they:**

- Exhaustively research the problem, learning from a variety of resources, including everyone/anyone involved
- Attempt to solve the problem themselves
- Failing that, they propose two or more potential solutions for consideration when presenting the problem

**Why we hire managers of one**

We live in a ‘gig’ economy that pushes wages as low as the lowest person on the planet is willing to accept for a given gig. Uber, Fiverr, etc are all full of people looking to do told what to do and complete specific jobs for a very low rate. If you’re the kind of person that needs to have work dictated to them, you’re competing against many millions of others in the global gig economy, and that’s not what we’re looking for, which is why this position pays better than ‘gig’ work.

So, you will need to be a manager of one and ideate and/or identify work, implement that work, measure that work, report that work, and optimize that work!

Last modified on February 10, 2023

The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.

This job is no longer available.

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