
Job Search

Native English translator/editor for Japanese-to-English translations (expired)

株式会社日立インフォメーションエンジニアリング Hitachi Information Engineering

株式会社日立インフォメーションエンジニアリング Hitachi Information Engineering

Job ID
横浜市戸塚区 / Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Post date
Jan 19, 2023
Translation / Interpretation
Work Type
Contract / Experienced (Non-Manager)
Remote work
¥4.0M / Year
  • 経験・能力を考慮の上、当社規定により決定します。 Depends on skill level and experience.


  • English: Native level
  • Japanese: Business level
  • Must currently reside in Japan
  • Resume and cover letter (in English) / 履歴書、カバーレター(英語で書いてください)
  • Must be a native English speaker (regardless of nationality) / 英語が母語であること(国籍は問いません)
  • Must have strong Japanese language skills (JLPT-N2 level or higher) / 日本語の知識を有する方(日本語能力試験JLPT N2級相当以上)
  • Visa sponsorship available


English follows Japanese description below


・日本語の知識を有する方(日本語能力試験JLPT N2級相当以上)

1. 履歴書、カバーレター(英語で書いてください)
2. 英語の校閲テスト(40分)、和文英訳の翻訳テスト(1時間)
3. 面接

雇用形態: 契約社員(正社員登用あり)

■ 勤務時間

■ 休日休暇
完全週休2日制(土・日曜日)、国民の祝日・メーデー・創立記念日・年末年始・特別休暇(2日)を含めて年間休日120日以上、年次有給休暇、慶弔休暇 他

■ 諸手当

■ 賞与

■ 昇給

■ 保険

■ その他

Job description

Native editors are responsible for proofreading and editing English documents (in most cases, translated from Japanese) for mechanics, readability, and polish. When necessary, they also rewrite or retranslate documents or parts of documents. In addition to the preceding, native translators are responsible for translating documents from Japanese to English.
Native translators and editors handle documents in a wide range of fields, including but not limited to IT and technical documents, business documents and reports, sales and promotional materials, manuals for medical systems, work manuals, and contracts.

• Must be a native English speaker (regardless of nationality)
• Must have strong Japanese language skills (JLPT-N2 level or higher)
• Must be able to produce clear, professional English that is error-free and completely natural to native English speakers
• Must be able to accurately parse complex or difficult Japanese and translate it into correct and natural English

Hiring process
1. Resume and cover letter (in English)
2. English editing test (40 minutes) and Japanese-to-English translation test (1 hour)
3. Interview

Working conditions
Contract type:
Contract employee (with the possibility of promotion to regular employee)

Work hours
• 8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (including a 45-minute break)
• Standard workday: 7 hours 45 minutes
• Flex-time system with no core time
• A reduced-workday contract is also possible

Holidays and vacation
• At least 120 days off each year, including all Saturdays and Sundays, Japanese public holidays, International Workers’ Day (May Day), the company’s foundation day (corporate anniversary), year-end and New Year holidays, and additional company-specified holidays
• Paid leave
• Special leave for personal circumstances such as marriage, births, and deaths in the family

Allowances and benefits
• Compensation for overtime work, compensation for commuting/travel expenses

• Paid based on performance

Salary raises
• Evaluated once a year

• Unemployment insurance
• workers’ accident insurance
• health insurance
• welfare pension insurance

If you are promoted to regular employee, you will continue to have opportunities for promotion based on your skills and performance.

Last modified on February 19, 2023

The above information is a public job ad. This job ad is neither an offer nor a contract.

This job is no longer available.

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